Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Knowing Faith

I have been a aethist all my life. Bowing to god only to please people I love. The last couple of years has taught me and made me think about faith.

Near and dear ones to me have suffered from various illnesses, including life threatening ones. Cancer is has been one of the main ones. Progress in science regarding Cancer has been incredible but not curable. If one were to talk to doctors about the curability of a particular treatment, they only speak in terms of statistics: "If one were to take this treatment then the probability of a 5yr life is 30% but if you are in the 30% then your probability is 100% if not it is 0%". What is one to make of these numbers?

This has what made me realize what is faith. Faith is the confidence that these numbers are true regarding you. It is the faith that you and your dear ones are in the 30% and not in the other 70%. This faith is contagious. If you are confident and exude it, your loved ones suffering from the illness can find the strength in them to fight their illnesses. Also it brings the best in you and gives you a peace of mind and not worry too much about what is not in your control. One needs to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Be optimistic always! One has nothing to lose.....

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