Tuesday, December 05, 2006


These days human mortality is very much on my mind. Seeing the suffering of my dad is very difficult for me. He has always been a vision of strength for me, alway sure of what he wants and how he wants to get there. However ever since he was diagnosed with Cancer he has been a very different person.

People change when affected with cancer. Cancer is unlike anyother disease that I have encountered. Cancer is a disease of probabilities and uncertainities. It is a disease that requires decisions and asks hard questions. Is quality of life more important than length of life? I have grappled with these questions as I try and put myself in my dads shoes. There are no easy answers.

Human life is full of predicaments. We enter this world with a processor and an empty memory. But when we are ready to leave it the memory is full and unfortunately the dying processor is thriving on that memory! That is why I think an infant facing death is oblivious of this than an old man.

But unfortunately human life has a certain mortality associated with it. But why? Why is human life mortal.... I donot know. Maybe so that we can value it.