Monday, June 28, 2004

Random Thots!

Iraqi's finally have their sovereignty or do they! I guess only time will tell. It is good to be optimistic.

Also these microbikes... i hate them. There are these kids who drive them in front of my house and boy do they make a racket. I thought that they were illegal and if they are not then they should be. These kids do not realize that anything in excess will finally hurt them. I am sure that like me my neighbours are also quite pissed off and eventually one of us will complain and this will stop.

Bill Clinton is visiting our area for his book signing deal. I am in two minds whether to go get an autographed book from the man. But all the reviews I have read about his book are quite bad so I am not too keen on buying the book. Typically I feel that one should wait for some time before buying a history or biography because by then some of the material is declassified. Anyway lets see what I do!

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